Saturday, July 28, 2007

hot beautiful and sassy! jenn grijalva

who doesn't know this super sexy woman???

if you watch mtv, and know anything about Real World Denver, then i'm sure you'll be excited to see another sneak peak into reality TV's sexiest women calendar 2008!

jenn jenn jenn

this girl is a rockstar. thanks to our mutual friend kenny, jenn got her ass down to los angeles to be in the calendar! yaya!

until next sneak,


Saturday, July 21, 2007

sneak peak into the 2008 sexiest women of reality tv calendar

i have a few more i could share.. how badly do you guys want to see? :)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

prints available for purchase

purchase a print

i wanted to let it be known that many of my photographs are available for sale as fine-art prints. if it's been awhile since you visited my website, i suggest you head on over to celiece.aurea photography and start shopping for your home decor. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

off-topic...slightly...carl jung personality test

if you have spent any time with me in the last couple of years, you would have noticed my gravitation towards anything that has to do with humans. our relationships, our being, personalities - ANYTHING. this thirst for more knowledge about us undoubtedly is what fuels me to work so well with clients during various photoshoots and projects. well, i took this little personality test at and the results came back describing me 100% accurately! i got so excited i thought i would share.
i'd be interested to know what the test says about you guys. so if you go to and take the test, please let me know! :)

could it really be possible that i'm only like 4.4% of the population??
wow. that explains a lot. haha

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.

Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

this is my job - with tonya cooley!

yeah, you could say we're having some fun.. :) i LOVE LOVE LOVE this woman. tonya cooley is so much fun, she has crazy energy and the camera adores her. i would have to say she has definitely been one of my fave models.

my first blog on celiece.aurea - YAY!!

if learning photography wasn't already time-consuming.... how about learning how all these functions work in order to get a blog up to you guys!!

more to come...